All About Blue Diamond Chinchillas

fat Blue Diamond Chinchilla

Blue Diamond Chinchillas are a fascinating and captivating pet choice that has won the hearts of many. Their unique characteristics and temperament set them apart from other chinchilla breeds. If you’re considering bringing a Blue Diamond Chinchilla into your home, here’s everything you need to know about them.

Blue Diamond Chinchilla Characteristics


baby Blue Diamond Chinchilla petWith their strikingly beautiful fur and adorable round ears, owning a pet like the Beholding Blue Diamond Chinchilla is truly an enchanting experience. One of the most remarkable features of this breed is their exquisite blue-hued fur (blue diamond), which shimmers like precious gems under the light. Their soft, velvety coat is a delight to touch and is highly sought after in the pet trade.

Blue Diamond Chinchilla Temperament

cute Blue Diamond Chinchilla funny

Despite their stunning appearance, Blue Diamond Chinchillas are known for their sweet and gentle temperament. These charming creatures have a curious nature, making them fun companions to have around the house.

Size & Weight

Blue Diamond Chinchilla

Blue Diamond Chinchillas are of moderate size, typically ranging from 9 to 12 inches in length. They weigh around 400 to 600 grams, making them small and lightweight. Their compact size makes them easy to house and allows for creative and spacious enclosures.


baby cool Blue Diamond Chinchilla

As the name suggests, Blue Diamond Chinchillas stand out due to their extraordinary blue coloration. This unique color mutation sets them apart from the more common grey or beige chinchillas. The captivating blue hue is a result of a genetic mutation that enhances their beauty and allure.


Blue Diamond Chinchilla in hand

With proper care and a nurturing environment, Blue Diamond Chinchillas can live a long and healthy life. On average, they can live up to 15 years or more, becoming cherished members of the family for a significant portion of your life.

Ideal Owners

cute Blue Diamond Chinchilla

Blue Diamond Chinchillas thrive with owners who can dedicate time to their socialization and care. Patient and understanding individuals or families with older children make ideal companions for these lovely creatures.


The origins of the Blue Diamond Chinchilla are traced back to selective breeding efforts aimed at developing unique fur colors and patterns. Breeders and enthusiasts worldwide have worked diligently to establish and enhance this captivating chinchilla breed.

Blue Diamond Chinchilla Facts

Blue Diamond Chinchilla

  • Cherished in Shows: Due to their striking appearance, they are prized in chinchilla shows and exhibitions worldwide.
  • Natural Beauty: The captivating blue color of Blue Diamond Chinchillas is a result of a naturally occurring genetic mutation, not artificial dye.