Angelfish Species – All About Angelfish


Angelfish Overview

angelfish with coral

Angelfish, scientifically known as Pterophyllum, are stunning freshwater fish that are beloved for their graceful appearance and vibrant colors. With their elongated, triangular bodies and flowing fins, they add an elegant touch to any aquarium.



Angelfish are known for their peaceful temperament, making them popular choices for community aquariums. However, they can become territorial during breeding periods. It’s best to keep them with compatible tank mates to ensure a harmonious environment.



Angelfish possess a distinctive body shape with tall dorsal and anal fins that resemble angelic wings. Their bodies come in various colors and patterns, including silver, black, and marbled. They also have long, delicate fins that gracefully trail behind them as they swim.

Size & Weight

Angelfish can grow to be around 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) in length, depending on the specific species and care they receive. Their size makes them a suitable choice for medium-sized aquariums.

Angelfish Colors

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One of the most captivating features of Angelfish is their array of colors. From the classic silver angelfish to the striking black varieties, their hues can range from vibrant orange, yellow, and blue to delicate shades of pink and purple. These vibrant colors make them a centerpiece in any aquatic display.



With proper care and a healthy environment, Angelfish can live for approximately 10 years. Maintaining stable water conditions, providing a balanced diet, and regular maintenance of the aquarium are essential for their longevity.

Ideal Owners

angelfish black yellow

Angelfish are a popular choice for aquarists of all levels of experience. Their beauty and relatively peaceful nature make them a joy to observe. However, they require a well-maintained aquarium with proper filtration and regular water changes to thrive.


Angelfish are native to the Amazon River basin in South America. They were first introduced to the aquarium trade in the early 20th century and have since become one of the most sought-after freshwater fish species worldwide. Selective breeding has resulted in a wide range of color variations and patterns.



  • Angelfish are cichlids, belonging to the family Cichlidae, which includes other popular aquarium species.
  • They are known for their parental care, with both parents guarding and caring for their eggs and fry.
  • Angelfish have a laterally compressed body shape, which allows them to navigate through densely planted aquariums and narrow spaces.
  • They are omnivorous, with a diet that consists of both live and prepared foods, including flakes, pellets, and frozen or live brine shrimp.

Angelfish are captivating aquatic creatures that bring beauty and elegance to aquariums. With their graceful movements and vibrant colors, they create a serene and visually stunning display.