Colobus Monkey Species – All About Colobus Monkeys

Colobus Monkey

Colobus Monkey Characteristics

Colobus monkeys are fascinating creatures known for their striking appearance. They have a unique black and white coloration, with long, silky fur that flows gracefully as they move through the treetops. One of the most distinctive features of the Colobus monkey is its lack of thumbs, setting it apart from many other primate species.

Colobus Monkey Temperament

2 cool Colobus Monkeys

When it comes to temperament, Colobus monkeys are generally known for their calm and gentle nature. They exhibit strong social bonds within their troop and are peaceful creatures, avoiding aggressive behaviors whenever possible. However, they can be quite playful, especially during their interactions with other members of their group.

Colobus Monkey Size & Weight

Colobus Monkey family in wild

Colobus monkeys are medium-sized primates, with males typically being slightly larger than females. On average, they measure around 40 to 70 centimeters in length, with an additional 60 to 75 centimeters for their long, bushy tail.

Colobus monkeys typically weigh between 12 to 32 pounds (5.5 to 14.5 kilograms). Males are usually larger and heavier than females. Despite their relatively small stature, Colobus monkeys are incredibly agile and can cover great distances in the treetops.


2 Colobus Monkeys

The black and white coloration of Colobus monkeys is truly captivating. The contrast between the deep black fur and the glistening white mantle creates a stunning visual display. This color pattern also serves as a natural camouflage, helping them blend seamlessly into the dense foliage of their forest habitat.


In the wild, Colobus monkeys typically have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, depending on various factors such as predation, disease, and availability of food. However, in captivity, where they receive proper care and nutrition, they can live significantly longer, sometimes reaching up to 40 years.

Ideal Owners

cute Colobus Monkey

While Colobus monkeys might seem like intriguing pets, they are not suitable for the average household. Their specialized needs, social structure, and complex dietary requirements make them challenging to care for properly. These intelligent creatures are best left to thrive in their natural habitat or reputable sanctuaries that can provide a suitable environment for their well-being.


cute Colobus Monkey on tree

Colobus monkeys have a rich history, being an integral part of various African cultures and folklore. Revered for their unique appearance, they often symbolize wisdom, grace, and harmony in many indigenous beliefs.

Unfortunately, like many other wildlife species, Colobus monkeys face threats from habitat loss and poaching, making conservation efforts critical to their survival.

Colobus Monkey Facts

baby Colobus Monkey

  • They primarily feed on leaves, which makes up a significant portion of their diet.
  • Colobus monkeys have a specialized stomach chamber called the “sacculated stomach,” allowing them to digest fibrous plant material efficiently.
  • They are excellent jumpers and can leap considerable distances between trees with ease.
  • Colobus monkeys are skilled communicators, using a variety of vocalizations and body postures to convey messages within their troop.